♦To unlock the unit:
1.Scan the “Unlock Specs and Tests” Special Code.
The unit is now unlocked. You can now change any option setting.
Using a Command Code
A Command Code is a bar code symbol that allows you to customize the Quick Check 600/800 Verifier for your use. It is especially useful when you have one or two setups and you frequently switch between them. After you turn on the unit or when you want to change setups, just scan your customized Command Code for that type of operation and then begin your work.
About Command Codes
There are two different types of Command Codes — Command- (Minus) Codes and Command+ (Plus) Codes. These codes differ in the type of information they store.
•Command+ Codes let you store all the settings on the “Command Code Selections Lists” below.
•Command- Codes allows you to store all the settings listed on the Command Code selection list except the beeper pitch, the decode direction and the output option settings (printer type, printout form and the AutoPrint/Store setting).
Command Code Selections List
Test Criteria
Passing grade: (Choose One)
Traditional or ISO/IEC “A,” ISO/IEC “B,” ISO/IEC “C,” ISO/IEC “D” Decodability: Avg or ISO/IEC
Grades: Letters or Numbers
Number or scans/symbol: (Choose one)
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, Var
Scanning Options
Beeper Pitch: (Choose One)
Off or value between 1 and 31
Extended Accuracy: (Choose One)
Off, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, Var
Decoding Direction: BothWays or Forward Only
Output Options
Display Options UpperLine: (Choose One)
Default or Average Bar Error, W/N Ratio, Decodability,
RI & RD, P.C.S., Symbol Contrast, Rmin/Rmax, Modulation,
EC(min), Defects, Message Type, Message Length or Check Character LowerLine: (Choose One)
Default or Average Bar Error, W/N Ratio, Decodability,
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