Key Combinations
Use the key combinations listed below to access certain keyboard functions or to use special characters that are not defined on the
Key Combinations Using ALPHA & SFT Keys
Key/Key Combination | Function/Special Character |
ALPHA + SFT + 1 | ! |
ALPHA + SFT + 2 | @ |
ALPHA + SFT + 3 | # |
ALPHA + SFT + 4 | $ |
ALPHA + SFT + 5 | % |
ALPHA + SFT + 6 | ^ |
ALPHA + SFT + 7 | & |
ALPHA + SFT + 8 | * |
ALPHA + SFT + 9 | ( |
ALPHA + SFT + 0 | ) |
ALPHA + SFT + . (period) | > |
ALPHA + SFT + , (comma) | < |
| Miscellaneous Key Combinations |
Key/Key Combinations | Function/Special Characters |
ALT + 3 + 9* | ‘ |
ALT + 3 + 4* | “ |
*Hold the ALT key down as you type in the numbers.
56 Key Full Alpha Numeric
Blue Key Functions & Characters For
Full Alpha Numeric Keyboard
Key Combination | Function/Special Character |
Double tap Blue key | Activate/Deactivate Mouse Utility |
Blue key + . | + |
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