The ON/SCAN key is centrally located for easy use with the right or the left hand. On the 7450 terminal, the ON/SCAN key operates as an On or system wakeup control; scanning is activated with the handle trigger.
Cursor Keys
The centrally located cursor keys allow full Windows® Pocket PC navigation.
Audio Signals
The Dolphin 7400/7450 terminal has an internal speaker that sounds audio signals as you scan bar code labels and enter data. Signals are emitted at a sound level of 80 dB sound pressure level at two feet. The operating frequency range is 500 Hz up to 8 kHz. The speaker can also be used for playing sounds using WAV files.
The Dolphin 7400/7450 terminal’s keyboard features
There are three keyboard options for the Dolphin 7400/7450 terminals:
RF Antenna
The Dolphin 7400/7450 RF terminal’s antenna is a unity gain,
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