
90 LPRINT "FT4,100,45;RA4250,4750;"

100 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";

110 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";


<Sample 34>

RR- Fill rectangle relative

RR X, Y[;]

X ; X coordinate of opposite corner for the rectangle

Y ; Y coordinate of opposite corner for the rectangle

Coordinates relative to the current position in current units.

Fill the rectangle formed by the current position and the opposite corner specified by X and Y.

After plotting the cursor returns to its point of origin.

Plotting is performed whether the pen is up or down.

10 ' - Fill Relative Rectangle -

20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255

30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";

40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";

50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;PA5000,4000;"

60 LPRINT "FT1;RR750,750;"

70 LPRINT "PR750,0;"

80 LPRINT "FT3,100;RR750,750;"

90 LPRINT "PR0,750;"

100 LPRINT "FT2;RR750,750;"

110 LPRINT "FT4,100,45;RR-750,750;"

120 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";

130 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";


<Sample 35>

WG - Fill wedge

WG r,q1,qc(,qd)[;] r ; Radius in current units q1 ; Start point angle

qc ; Arc angle qd ; Chord angle

Fill in a wedge centred on the current position with radius r, start point angle q1, arc angle qc and chord angle qd.

After plotting, the cursor returns to its point of origin.

Plotting is performed whether the pen is up or down.

You should use this command with the type "isotropic". Anisotropic type may make the wedge stretch.

r specifies the radius of circle. A positive value places the 0° reference point onto the positive x-axis and the negative value places it onto the negative x-axis.

The value for q1 is a clamped real number.

q1 specifies the wedge starting point related to the 0° reference point.

When q1 is positive, the positive direction of the X axis relative to the current position is set at 0 degrees and the start point is sought in the counterclockwise direction. The opposite occurs when q1 is negative: the negative X axis is set at 0 degrees and the start point is sought by going clockwise.

qc specifies the angle of the wedge.

The value for qc is a clamped real number.

Plotting proceeds counterclockwise when qc is positive and clockwise when negative.

The value for qd is a clamped real number.

When qd is not specified, the chord angle is the default value ( 5 degrees ).

CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 28

Page 168
Image 168
Homelite HL-1450, HL-P2500, HL-1660E, HL-2400CE, HL-1050, HL-1250, HL-1470N RR Fill rectangle relative, Rr X, Y, WG Fill wedge