
mode is set to either 0 or 1. If mode is set to 0, control codes perform their normal functions and are

not printed. If mode=1, all characters are printed, if possible. No control characters perform any function except the label terminator. Any non-printing or undefined characters appear as a space.

If you use the command without parameters, control codes will perform their normal functions and will not be printed. This is equivalent to TD0;

10'-Transparent Data-

20WIDTH "LPT:", 255

30LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";

40LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";


60'-TD=1 (Transparent) -

70LPRINT "PA1000,5000;LBMODE : TD1 (Transparent)"; CHR$(13)

80LPRINT "<Print as characters when labeling>"; CHR$(3)


100FOR I = &H0 O &H8

110LPRINT "SD1,341,2,1,4,10,7,5;PA";X;",4000;TD1;DT@;LB";CHR$(I);"@";

120X = X + 150


140LPRINT "TD0;"

150LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";

160LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";


<Sample 60>

CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 51

Page 191
Image 191
Homelite HL-1050, HL-P2500, HL-1660E, HL-2400CE, HL-1450, HL-1250 Transparent Data Width LPT Lprint CHR$27 E Lprint CHR$27 %0B