Honeywell 11255 Model C, Disposable Carbon Gas Phase Odor Control Filters, Service Life, General

Models: 11255

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Model C

Model C

Disposable Carbon

Gas Phase Odor Control Filters

50% Fill, models: C50-xxxxx

75% fill, models: C75-xxxxxx


The Model C Disposable Carbon air filter is an easy-to-install partial-bypass carbon type air purifi- er for light duty IAQ applications in home and com- mercial recirculated air systems. The filter uses premium grade granular virgin coconut shell carbon to remove odors by the adsorption process rather than masking them with air fresheners. Odors are controlled by surface adsorption on the carbon, which has over one million square feet of surface area per square foot of filter face area. Typical household applications are the removal of odors from bathrooms, cooking, smoking and entertain- ing. Commercial applications may include restau- rants, schools, medical offices, beauty salons, health clubs, and offices.


A laminated cellulose honeycomb material forms the base structure of the filter. The honeycomb pro- vides for the exposure of a great amount of surface area for full utilization of the carbon. Each individual honeycomb cell is filled with granular activated car- bon to either the 50% or 75% level. The 75% fill fil- ter has a longer life than the 50% fill filter, but its air- way pressure drop is greater.

The carbon is retained within the h neyc mb cells by a non-woven nylon mesh on bo h sides of the fil- ter. The honeycomb is given addi ional strength by a moisture-resistant die-cut beverage board frame (standard sizes) or U-channel beverage board (special sizes). Each order is individually sealed in plastic to retain the carbon efficiency prior to instal- lation.

Service Life

It is difficult to predict the life of any carbon filter. It is a function of the concentration level of dust and gaseous contamination for each specific applica- tion. E en though sensitivity varies with the individ- ual, the human nose is still the best indicator of the need to c ange a carbon filter.

P ysical Data

Frame: Moisture-resistant die-cut beverage board

Honeycomb: Laminated cellulose paper

Mesh Grid: Non-woven nylon

Activated Carbon: Granular virgin coconut shell base

Important Features

Low static pressure par ial-bypass type odor adsorber

Premium virg n coconut shell activated carbon

Completely disposable product

Controls odors in many light duty applications

Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration

Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL


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Honeywell 11255 manual Model C, Disposable Carbon Gas Phase Odor Control Filters, Service Life, General, Construction