What can I do if the Printer continuously rejects Cartridges?

If you are in Service Mode 1, the cover sensor is disabled. In order to test a new Cartridge set, the Printer must be powered OF and and ON again.

1Remove tape and align cartridges: One frequent cause of cartridge problems is that the user has forgotten to remove the tape from new cartridges￿ Remove the tape￿

2Dirty pads: The connection between the carriage PCA and the cartridge flex connector is made by means of a gold bubble on the flex connector that touches a gold pad on the PCA￿ The Carriage Test ￿details ' page

49￿2￿ includes a test of this connection￿ When nozzle failures occur￿ clean the flex contacts on the cartridge and in the Carriage￿

3Continuity Problem: Remove all the cartridges from the Carriage and try installing just the rejected cartridge￿ If the cartridge is still rejected then replace the cartridge with a new one￿ If the new cartridge is not rejected then check￿ one by one￿ if the other cartridges are rejected or not￿

4Faulty cartridge: Some black cartridges ￿5￿64￿A￿ with USE BEFORE dates of April ￿96 and earlier may have thin9film damage￿ This means that the material used for channeling ink behind the nozzles can crack with aging￿ When this happens￿ ink seepage may cause many nozzles to fail ￿eight or more￿￿ Replace the black cartridge with one with USE BEFORE date of ￿ay ￿96 or later￿

5If the Cartridges are not inserted correctly into the Carriage￿ the Cartridges will be rejected￿ ￿ake sure that the springs that hold the Cartridges in the Carriage are not broken or misplaced￿

6Perform the Carriage Test ' page 49￿2￿

7Replace the Trailing Cable ' page 898￿

8Replace the Carriage Assembly ' page 8937￿


HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
