Media Axis (X Axis) Test

The purpose of this test is to verify the operation of the components of the Media Axis.

Perform the Media(Axis test as follows:

1In service mode 1, press Media Axis Test (Media Load Button).

2The test will start and the drive roller rotates in steps, each equivalent to one swath advance.

3If the test passes, the Glossy LED (LED J) will light up after the first cycle.

If y￿u ￿re viewing inf￿rm￿ti￿n vi￿ the seri￿l p￿rt, y￿u will see ￿utput simil￿r t￿ the f￿ll￿wing:


Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 92 pwm

Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 65 pwm

Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 66 pwm


4If there is a shutdown, the Glossy LED (LED J) will start to flash after the first cycle.

If y￿u ￿re viewing inf￿rm￿ti￿n vi￿ the seri￿l p￿rt, y￿u will see ￿utput simil￿r t￿ the f￿ll￿wing:


Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 79 pwm

Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 115 pwm

Test Mode X-Axis Cycle: 127 pwm

Test Mode Error: 1 on X-axis test

5The test continuously repeats itself until you press the Cancel and Media Source keys.

￿h￿ t￿st is continu￿d on th￿ n￿xt p￿g￿￿


HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Service Tests