PWM8Pulse9Width Modulation
RAM8Random9Access Memory
raster8 A matrix of dots or pixels where each pixel is defined by a bit A bit that is •on" will print a dot on the paper A bit that is •off" will leave the area blank
2 A method for defining a plot directly in terms of the pixels rather than as vectors
raster image processor8Software that converts graphics data to pixel format
relative humidity8The ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
E Merriam9Webster 99
resolution8A measure of image sharpness expressed as a number of lines per unit length When referring to plotters address9 able resolution means the smallest move the plotter can make programmatically
rms8Root mean square
ROM8Read9Only Memory
roman8A character set based on the Latin alphabet
RTL8see •HP9RTL"
secondary colors8Red blue green
service monitor8Data display; display data; monitor mode
SIMM8Single In9line Memory Module
special paper8A paper specifically devel9 oped by HP for HP inkjet plotters
SPROC8Servo9Processor Code
swath8That portion of a drawing plotted between advances of the drive roller in Fast mode In Best mode the drive roller ad9 vances half a swath at a time; in Normal mode it may advance a full swath or half a swath depending on whether the plot is col9 or or monochrome
TCP/IP8Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
translucent8Describes a type of media through which light passes
TTOE8Thermal Turn9On Energy
UART8Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
unidirectional print mode8A print mode in which plotting is performed while the carriage moves in one direction and no plotting is performed while the carriage moves in the opposite direction
vellum8A type of strong paper
VLS8Vertical9line straightness
HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers |