PWM8Pulse9Width Modulation￿

RAM8Random9Access Memory￿

raster8￿￿ A matrix of dots￿ or pixels￿ where each pixel is defined by a bit￿ A bit that is •on" will print a dot on the paper￿ A bit that is •off" will leave the area blank￿

2￿ A method for defining a plot directly in terms of the pixels rather than as vectors￿

raster image processor8Software that converts graphics data to pixel format￿

relative humidity8The ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature￿ ￿from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary￿

E Merriam9Webster ￿99￿￿￿

resolution8A measure of image sharpness expressed as a number of lines per unit length￿ When referring to plotters￿ address9 able resolution means the smallest move the plotter can make programmatically￿

rms8Root mean square￿

ROM8Read9Only Memory￿

roman8A character set based on the Latin alphabet￿

RS-232-C interface8A serial interface standardized by the Electronic Industries Association Standard RS92329C￿

RTL8see •HP9RTL￿"


secondary colors8Red￿ blue￿ green￿

service monitor8Data display; display data; monitor mode￿

SIMM8Single In9line Memory Module￿


special paper8A paper specifically devel9 oped by HP￿ for HP inkjet plotters￿

SPROC8Servo9Processor Code￿

swath8That portion of a drawing plotted between advances of the drive roller in Fast mode￿ ￿In Best mode￿ the drive roller ad9 vances half a swath at a time; in Normal mode￿ it may advance a full swath or half a swath￿ depending on whether the plot is col9 or or monochrome￿￿

TCP/IP8Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol￿

theta-Z error8A print9quality error caused when the nozzles on a cartridge are not perpendicular to the carriage axis￿ The error shows up as jagged vertical lines￿

translucent8Describes a type of media through which light passes￿

TTOE8Thermal Turn9On Energy￿

UART8Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter￿

unidirectional print mode8A print mode in which plotting is performed while the carriage moves in one direction￿ and no plotting is performed while the carriage moves in the opposite direction￿

vellum8A type of strong paper￿

VLS8Vertical9line straightness￿

X-axis8Media axis￿

X-axis calibration8Accuracy calibration￿

Y-axis8Carriage axis￿

HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers
