Viewing Test Output via the Serial Port

Some of the tests in service mode 1 send test information to the printer￿s serial port. To view the information via the Serial Port:

Using Windows 3.1

1Turn the printer and P￿ OFF.

2￿onnect the Printer to the P￿ using a serial interface cable and switch the P￿ ON.

3Select the Terminal Icon in the Accessories Group in Windows.

4In Terminal, select Settings and then select Communications from the pull down menu.

5￿ake sure you use the following configuration:

￿Baud Rate = 9600

￿￿ata Bits = 8

￿Stop Bits = 1

￿Parity = None

￿Flow ￿ontrol = None

￿￿onnector = Select the ￿ommunications Port that you are using.

6Select OK and Switch the Printer ON.

7Perform the service tests on the Printer.

Using an HP Palmtop PC

1Use ￿P cable number F1015680002 and adapter number 518166640 to connect the Palmtop to the Printer￿s serial interface port.

Both cable and adaptor are included in the HP F1021B Connectivity Pack.

2Turn the Printer on in service mode 1.

3Turn the Palmtop on.

4Open the Data Comm application on the Palmtop and press MENU.

5￿ove to the Connect menu and press ENTER.

6Ensure that Settings are the same for both Printer and Palmtop.

7Again move to the Connect menu and press ENTER.

8With Connect highlighted in the Connect menu, press ENTER.

9Perform the service tests on the Printer.

To stop communication between the Printer and the Palmtop, highlight Hangup in the Connect menu and press

Service Tests

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
