#9Number of units
_C9Degrees Celsius
_F9Degrees Fahrenheit
A9 Amps
2 Acoustic
ac9Alternating current
accuracy calibration9X:axis calibration
addressable dpi9A resolution higher than the nominal value of the cartridges giving a finer grid on which the plotter can selectively position dots and improve print quality
ASIC9Application:Specific Integrated Cir: cuit
baud rate9For the RS:232:C interface the data transmission rate between the computer and the plotter bits per second
bidirectional print mode9A print mode in which plotting is performed while the carriage is moving in either direction
binding9Obstruction to movement
Bi)Tronics9A parallel interface standard
_C9Degrees Celsius
CAD9Computer:Aided Design
CAM9Computer:Aided Manufacturing
carriage axis9The axis along which the carriage moves Y:axis
carriage LED9Line sensor
cartridge9Print cartridge pen
centronics9A parallel interface standard
checkout9Of nozzles: testing of nozzles by firing them one by one
checksum9A programming method used to minimize data errors when data are transferred Part of a definition from The Harper ons Dctonary of omputer Terms E Ian R Sinclair 99
Customer Engineers9HP field support engineers
D/A1)size plotters9Models C39A and C494A
data display9Service monitor
dc9Direct current
depletion9The selective reduction of the number of drops placed on the media in order to prevent an excess of ink on the me: dia
display data9Service monitor
display list9An internal logical map in swath format containing data representing graphical objects
DOS9MS:DOS MicroSoft Disk:Operat: ing System
dpi9Dots per inch the plotters resolu: tion of raster images on the media
DRAM9Dynamic Random:Access Memory
drive roller9Platen roller
drive)roller gear9Helical gear at right: hand side of drive roller
HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers |