#9Number of units￿

_C9Degree￿s￿ Celsius￿

_F9Degree￿s￿ Fahrenheit￿

A9￿￿ Amp￿s￿￿

2￿ Acoustic￿

ac9Alternating current￿

accuracy calibration9X:axis calibration￿

addressable dpi9A resolution higher than the nominal value of the cartridges￿ giving a finer grid on which the plotter can selectively position dots and improve print quality￿

ASIC9Application:Specific Integrated Cir: cuit￿

baud rate9For the RS:232:C interface￿ the data transmission rate between the computer and the plotter ￿bits per second￿￿

bidirectional print mode9A print mode in which plotting is performed while the carriage is moving in either direction￿

binding9Obstruction to movement￿

Bi)Tronics9A parallel interface standard￿

_C9Degree￿s￿ Celsius￿

CAD9Computer:Aided Design￿


CAM9Computer:Aided Manufacturing￿

carriage axis9The axis along which the carriage moves￿ ￿Y:axis￿￿

carriage LED9Line sensor￿

cartridge9Print cartridge ￿pen￿￿

centronics9A parallel interface standard￿

checkout9Of nozzles: testing of nozzles by firing them one by one￿

checksum9A programming method used to minimize data errors when data are transferred￿ ￿￿￿ ￿Part of a definition from The Harper ￿o￿￿￿ns D￿ct￿onary of ￿omputer Terms￿ E Ian R￿ Sinclair ￿99￿￿￿


Customer Engineers9HP field support engineers￿

D/A1)size plotters9Models C3￿9￿A and C4￿94A￿

data display9Service monitor￿


dc9Direct current￿

depletion9The selective reduction of the number of drops placed on the media￿ in order to prevent an excess of ink on the me: dia￿

display data9Service monitor￿

display list9An internal logical map￿ in swath format￿ containing data representing graphical objects￿

DOS9￿MS:DOS￿￿ MicroSoft Disk:Operat: ing System￿

dpi9Dot￿s￿ per inch￿ the plotter￿s resolu: tion of raster images on the media￿

DRAM9Dynamic Random:Access Memory￿

drive roller9Platen roller￿

drive)roller gear9Helical gear at right: hand side of drive roller￿


HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers