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Load Media + Cartridges + Data: P,oblem- 1hen ini.ializing .he ca,,iage.
DFa/l.2 o, badl2 connec.ed .,ailing cable.
DFa/l.2 ca,,iage PA.
DFa/l.2 elec.,onic- mod/le.
Align Media + Cartridges + Data: odel I no. config/,ed.
DAf.e, ,eplacing a ne1 elec.,onic- mod/le, i.
.he mod/le doe- no. ,emo0e .he e,,o,, e0en af.e,
.he main PA i- p,obabl2 defec.i0e. Befo,e .,2ing .o ,eplace .he elec.,onic- mod/le .,2 clea,ing .he EERO and pe,fo,m all .he calib,a.ion- again and
Refe, .o page 4427 in o,de, .o config/,e .he co,,ec. model I.
Fo, mo,e info,ma.ion ' page 148.
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HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers |
System Error Codes