3I! t# *r)￿& ' ￿)(t$(u s * r!)r' t# A￿￿ur￿￿2 C￿&$￿r￿t$)( ￿D t￿$&s ' *￿" ￿42￿ ￿(￿ *r$(t t#

Pr$(t4Qu￿&$t2 P&)t ￿"￿$( t) s

$! t# r #￿s ￿ (

￿(2 $'*r)v ' (t￿


4 I! t# rr)r ￿)(t$(u s tr2 t#



R *&￿￿

t# Tr￿$&$(" C￿￿&

' *￿" ￿4￿￿


R *&￿￿

t# C￿rr$￿" Ass '￿&2 ' *￿" ￿437￿


R *&￿￿

t# X4￿x$s Ass '￿&2 ' *￿" ￿423￿

Only replace one component at a time and check if the problem has gone before replacing another component￿ Using this procedure you will be able to determine exactly which component failed￿

Test Pattern 5: ￿olor V￿ri￿tion Test

T#$s t st *r)￿u￿ s !)ur ￿)x s; ￿&￿￿%￿ ￿&u ￿ ￿2￿( ￿(￿ 2 &&)w￿ I( ￿￿# ￿)x t# r ￿r tw) #)r$z)(t￿& ￿￿(￿s￿ t# &)w r ￿￿(￿ $s ￿￿￿% s#￿￿ ￿ t# u** r ￿￿(￿ $s s#￿￿ ￿ !r)' ￿￿￿% s￿￿&$(" t) ￿￿%￿

T# *ur*)s )! t#$s t st $s t) ￿ t r'$( ￿t w#￿t * r￿ (t t# u** r s#￿￿$("

￿￿)' s v$s$￿& !r)' t# &)w r ￿￿(￿￿ T# ￿ st w￿2 t) ￿) t#$s $s t) ￿)v r t#

￿)x w$t# ￿ *$ ￿

)! *￿* r ￿(￿ s&$￿


*￿* r #)r$z)(t￿&&2 ￿￿r)ss t# ￿)x￿ St)*

￿s s))( ￿s 2)u s

￿ ￿$!! r (t s#￿￿

$( t# u** r ￿)x￿ Y)u ￿￿( t# ( ￿ t r'$(

t# * r￿ (t￿" s￿￿&$(" !r)' t# !$"ur

￿t t# t)* )r ￿)tt)' )! t# ￿)x￿

Figure 7 (Correct)

Figure 8 (Incorrect)

Print Quality

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
