Modular Test

This test has been created to check the interaction between various components of the Printer. It combines the following tests:

￿Carriage*axis test.

￿Carriage test.

￿Media*axis test.

￿Front*panel test.

￿Sensors test.

This Service Mode does not include carriage"axis initialization. If the carriage starts somewhere out of the Service Station, it will hit the right"hand side of the Printer when the test begins, and the test will fail. Always make sure that the carriage is parked in the service station before starting this test.

If one part of the test fails, the other parts continue regardless.

Perform the Modular test as follows:

1Make sure that the carriage is parked in the service station.

2In service mode 1, press Modular Test (Media Source Key).

3The printer first performs the Front*panel Test and once it is fully completed (once all the keys are pressed) then continues with the rest of the above tests in parallel.

4Refer to the following figure to check which LED is associated with which test. If the test passes, the following LEDs will be lit (ON). If the test fails, the following LEDs will be flashing:

The test is continued on the next page.

Service Tests

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
