Analyzing the PrintQuality Plot
The P,in.5Q/ali.y Plo. 1ill con.ain -ix pa..e,n- a- follo1-:
1a,.,idge Wa,m Up (See belo1).
2Nozzle P,in. Te-. (See belo1).
3Ve,.ical Line S., Te-. ' page 657.
4olo, Alignmen. Q/ali.y Te-. ' page 659.
5olo, Va,ia.ion Te-. ' page 6511.
6Banding Te-. ' page 6512.
Test Pattern 1: artrdge Warmup
Thi- pa..e,n 1a,m-5/p .he ca,.,idge-, lea0ing .hem in a pe,fec. ope, condi.ion. Yo/ can igno,e .hi- pa..e,n and 1i.h Te-. Pa..e,n 2.
Test Pattern 2: Nozze Prnt Test
In .hi- .e-. all .he 96 nozzle- of each ca,.,idge a,e .e-.ed. Fo, each of .he 4 colo,- yo/ 1ill -ee .he n/mbe,- 1 .o 90 o0e, .he diagonally -.epped line- in inc,emen.- of 5. The-e n/mbe,- co,,e-pond .o .he nozzle n/mbe, .ha. p,in.- each -.ep.
The,e a,e .1o ca,.,idge nozzle e,,o,- (-ee Fig/,e 1):
DNozzle- no. p,
DNozzle- mi-di,ec.ed.
Figure 1