
1.Reinsert the pinch$arm assemblies into the chassis. Make sure that the bushings are correctly inserted in the holes.

2.Slide the bar cam (item 3) to the right. You must position it between the left and right side￿plates, or the lift mechanism will not work.

In the following step, do not overtighten the cam￿journal screw. Doing so could break the journal, cause the bar cam to enter the side￿plate hole, and thus restrict the action of the pinch￿arm lever.

3.Before repositioning the right cam$journal (item 2), tighten its nut just to the point where the nut is inside the journal. Reinstall the journal and slightly tighten the screw (item 1).


HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Removal and Installation