L￿ne Sen￿￿￿ Te￿￿ Fa￿l￿￿e

If the Line Sensor test fails, to resolve the problem, try one of the following:

1Line sensor incorrectly calibrated: The accuracy calibration includes calibration of the line sensor on the carriage. You must use HP Matte film when performing the accuracy calibration (Details ' Chapter 5). Otherwise the line sensor will have problems loading some types of media.

2Check and if necessary replace the Trailing Cable ' page 818.

3Replace the Carriage Assembly ' page 8137.

4Replace the Electronics Module ' page 8113.

Only replace one component at a time and perform the test again before replacing another component￿ Using this procedure you will be able to determine exactly which component failed￿

Anal￿g M￿l￿￿￿lexe￿ Te￿￿ Fa￿l￿￿e

If the Analog Multiplexer test fails, to resolve the problem, try one of the following:

1Check and if necessary replace the Trailing Cable ' page 818.

2Replace the Carriage Assembly ' page 8137.

3Replace the Electronics Module ' page 8113.

Only replace one component at a time and perform the test again before replacing another component￿ Using this procedure you will be able to determine exactly which component failed￿


HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Service Tests