System Error Codes

If you have an error code which is not documented in this Service Manual or you have an error which you cannot resolve, then report the error to the HP Response Center or the nearest HP Support Office. When reporting the error, have the following information ready:

￿Model and Serial Number of the printer.

￿Which firmware revision the printer is using.

￿The complete error number.

￿The Service Print (Utiliti￿s / S￿rvi￿￿ T￿sts).

￿The Current configuration sheet.

￿Which software application the customer is using (name, version, etc.).

￿Is the problem reproducible by you?

￿Additional comments about the usage, the setting, etc..

Import￿nt Inform￿tion on Trou￿leshooting Error ￿o￿es

Before spending time troubleshooting the problem by doing the various tests or replacing parts (which may not need replacing), check which firmware revision the printer is using or check if a service note deals with this particular problem. Some problems which occurred in earlier firmware releases may have been solved in later revisions. So if there is a new firmware revision then update the ROM SIMM before replacing any parts. Refer to Chapter 7 for the part number of the ROM SIMM.


HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

System Error Codes