11/13/98 2:00 am | Catapult (US) |
What kind of phone answering device do you have?
Voice mail from the phone company
You dial a phone number and press buttons on your phone in order to hear your phone messages on your telephone.
You can receive faxes manually (follow the directions under step 2 on page 7). You cannot receive faxes automatically unless you subscribe to a distinctive ring service. Refer to page 6 for distinctive ringing information and setup instructions.
Answering machine or PC modem
You press buttons on a separate machine to hear your phone messages. Or, you receive phone messages on your computer and use software to listen to them. Follow the directions for “Answering Machine or PC Modem” on page 8.
Answering Machine or PC Modem
1. We recommend that you plug a phone into one of the jacks marked To Phone, Ans. Machine or Modem on the fax connector on the back of your HP Fax.
2. You must plug your answering machine or modem into the remaining connector.
If you do not plug the answering machine or modem into the back of
your HP Fax, the fax will be unable to receive faxes properly.
3.Important: If you have both an answering machine and a modem, plug the answering machine into the HP Fax and turn off the voice call answering feature in the modem software. (Your telephone can be plugged into the back of the answering machine.)
You must also turn off the feature in the modem software that allows it to receive faxes.
HP Company Confidential