Linpack is an industry standard cluster performance test used for submitting numbers to the Top 500 Supercomputers list. The test is implemented to run separately on each node using all CPU cores and about 80% or less of memory. Two parameters need to be specified: Mem(GB) and Mem(%). Mem(GB) is the total memory in gigabytes on each node, and Mem(%) is the percentage of total memory used in the test. By default, this test will not give
Netperf is a benchmark used to measure network performance (for example, GigE and 10GigE). It currently provides tests for unidirectional throughput. You must select TCP (TCP_STREAM) or UDP (UDP_STREAM) protocol. The first half of the selected nodes receives messages from the second half. For example, in a 10 node cluster, node 5 sends to node 0; node 6 sends to node 1; node 7 sends to node 2; and so on. An even number of nodes must be selected to run this test.
InfiniBand verbs tests
This is a collection of InfiniBand verbs bandwidth/latency performance tests provided with OFED.
Deviation test
This test measures the consistency of bandwidth and latency between nodes using MPI over IB. The node settings are identical to the Netperf test above. This test is only available with the InfiniBand interconnect on QLogic IB hardware.
Monitoring tests and viewing results
The nodes monitoring window
The bottom left window on the Cluster Test interface is the nodes monitoring window. It can be resized to give more space to the test output window.
This window indicates whether a node is active (online) or inactive (offline).
Monitoring tests and viewing results 15