testing procedure, 27 accelerator test, 22 admin see network analyze command, 51
apply_new_model_updates command, 51 using, 44
archive_logs command, 51
BandWidth accelerator test, 29
cabling tables documentation, 47 checkadm
command, 51 checkadm command
using, 30 checkic
command, 51 checkic command
using, 30
using for troubleshooting, 45 cluster script, 12
cluster software, 46 Cluster Test, 7
and cluster software, 46 commands, 51 documentation, 47 excluding head nodes, 38 nodes monitoring window, 15 output window, 16 overview, 5
performance analysis, 18
running multiple tests on a single node, 26 tests, 14
toolbar menus, 21 versions, 5 websites, 47
Cluster Test Image see image Cluster Test RPM see RPM commands
analyze, 51
apply_new_model_updates, 51 archive_logs, 51 checkadm, 51
checkic, 51 conrep, 52 cpu_rate, 52 directory, 51 getMP, 52 hponcfg, 52 ib_fabric_check, 52 inspect_ib_fabric.pl, 54
ipmitool, 57 light, 57 list_messages, 57 pdsh, 58
run_cluster_script.pl, 58 setMP, 58
compute node
boot information file, 50
erasing contents with Disk Scrubber, 39 hardware unsupported, 44
conrep command, 52 cpu_rate command, 52 CrissCross
description, 14
Easy as part of the Cluster Test procedure, 30 performance analysis, 18
sample test output, 59
Stress as part of the Cluster Test procedure, 30 troubleshooting, 45
Disk Scrubber, 39 Disk Test
as part of the Cluster Test procedure, 32 description, 14
graph, 17
performance analysis, 18 sample test output, 67
documentation, 47 websites, 47
boot information for compute nodes, 50 Cluster Setup command, 50
Cluster Test command, 50 DHCP configuration, 50 hardware information, 50 install, 50
log, 7, 22, 50
node performance utility xperf, 50 performance monitor command, 50 server health logs, 50
test, 50 uninstall, 50
unsupported hardware information, 50 firmware
and troubleshooting, 45 Firmware Summary, 21 Firmware Summary tool, 36
getMP command, 52 glossary, 73
74 Index