A DRD commands
term para
This appendix describes the DRD commands you can use to clone an image and work with the cloned image. The commands are:
Chapters 2 through 6 describe how to use these commands to perform DRD operations. You must be logged in as root to use any DRD command.
A.1 DRD command syntax
This section explains DRD command syntax, including the options that are specific to certain commands.
NOTE: This section is intended for quick reference after you are familiar with using DRD. Chapters 2 through 6 explain how to perform operations with DRD commands.
A.1.1 The drd activate command
The drd activate command causes the inactive system image to boot either immediately or the next time the system boots. Immediate or delayed booting is controlled by the
The drd activate command syntax is:
drd activate
Displays the usage message for a DRD command. This option cannot be used with other options.
Sets preview mode. When run with the
Decreases the verbosity level by one each time it is specified. For example,
A.1 DRD command syntax 49