HP Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) manual A.1.6 The drd runcmd command, Options, x extendedoption=value

Models: Dynamic Root Disk (DRD)

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-x verbosity=3 (Default.)

Specifies the level of stdout/stderr verboseness. Replace 3 with the following values:

0Only ERRORS and the starting/ending BANNER messages.

1Adds WARNING messages.

2Adds NOTE messages.

3(Default) Adds INFO messages (informational messages preceded by the * character.)

4Adds verbose INFO messages.

5Adds additional detailed INFO messages.

A.1.6 The drd runcmd command

The drd-runcmd(1M) command runs a DRD-safecommand, which is specified by command <args>, on the cloned (inactive) system image.

The drd runcmd command runs the designated command on the inactive system image. Several commands, known as DRD-safe commands, can be executed with drd runcmd . See Maintaining Software on the Cloned Image for more information about the DRD-safe commands.

The drd runcmd command mounts the inactive system image if it has not been mounted. Generally, when drd runcmd completes, it unmounts the inactive system image. However, if the inactive system image was mounted before the command, drd runcmd leaves it mounted after completion of drd runcmd.

The drd runcmd command returns the following error codes:


1 Error

2 Warning

The drd runcmd operation involves two commands: drd runcmd and the HP-UX command that is its argument, but it returns only a single error code. The code reflects the worst result of the two commands. If both commands are successful, the error code is 0. If either command has an error or warning result, the error code is 1 or 2. To determine which command issued the error or warning, examine the messages.

For additional information, see the drd-runcmd(1M) manpage (man drd-runcmd) The drd runcmd command syntax is:

drd runcmd [-?] [-q] [-v] [-x extended option=value] [-x -?] [-X option_file] command <args>



Displays the usage message for a DRD command. This option cannot be used with other options.


Decreases the verbosity level by one each time it is specified. For example, -qqwill reduce the verbosity from the default value of 4 to 2. If both -x verbosity=5 and -qqqare included on the command line, the effective verbosity is 2. The minimum verbosity level is 0. (See also the -x verbosity option.)


Increases the verbosity level by one each time it is specified. For example, -vwill increase the effective verbosity from the default value of 4 to 5. If both -x verbosity=1 and -vvare included on the command line, the effective verbosity is 3. The maximum verbosity level is 5. (See also the -x verbosity option.)


Sets the extended option to a value.

-x -?

Displays the list of possible -x(extended) options.


Gets the extended options from a file.

60 DRD commands

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HP Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) manual A.1.6 The drd runcmd command, Options, x extendedoption=value, X optionfile, DRD commands