HP Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) A.1.7 The drd status command, Options, Extended options, X optionfile

Models: Dynamic Root Disk (DRD)

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A.1.7 The drd status command

A.1.7 The drd status command

The drd-status(1M) command displays system-specific information about the clone (the inactive system image) and the original disk (the active system image). The drd-statuscommand provides the following convenient information:

Clone Disk – specifies the target disk used to create the clone of the original image.

Clone Disk State – reports whether the boot loader, AUTO file, and SYSINFO.TXT file (Itanium® only) are present on the clone disk.

Date Created – specifies when the clone image was created.

Clone Mirror Disk – indicates “None” if the clone does not have a mirror, or lists the device special file of the mirror disk.

Mirror Disk State – reports whether the boot loader, AUTO file, and SYSINFO.TXT file (Itanium® only) are present on the mirror disk.

Original Disk – specifies which disk the original image is on.

Original Disk State – reports whether the boot loader, AUTO file, and SYSINFO.TXT file (Itanium® only) are present on the original disk.

Booted Disk – specifies which disk is currently booted.

Activated Disk – upon reboot, the system will boot off this disk.

NOTE: Disk State varies depending on the system's architecture. The drd status command will list either LIF Area or EFI Partition instead of Disk State. For Itanium® systems, the Disk State will report whether the personality file, SYSINFO.TXT, exists on the specified disk. This file is used to rehost a disk. See the drd-rehost(1M) man page for more information.

Disk State varies depending on the system's architecture. The drd status command lists either Clone LIF Area or Clone EFI Partition.

The drd status command syntax is:

drd status [-?] [-q] [-v] [-x extended option=value] [-x -?] [-X option_file]



Displays the usage message for a DRD command. This option cannot be used with other options.


Decreases the verbosity level by one each time it is specified. For example, -qqwill reduce the verbosity from the default value of 4 to 2. If both -x verbosity=5 and -qqqare included on the command line, the effective verbosity is 2. The minimum verbosity level is 0. (See also the -x verbosity option.)


Increases the verbosity level by one each time it is specified. For example, -vwill increase the effective verbosity from the default value of 4 to 5. If both -x verbosity=1 and -vvare included on the command line, the effective verbosity is 3. The maximum verbosity level is 5. (See also the -x verbosity option.)


Sets the extended option to a value.

-x -?

Displays the list of possible -x(extended) options.


Gets the extended options from a file.

Extended options

The following extended options are available:

62 DRD commands

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HP Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) A.1.7 The drd status command, drd status -? -q -v -x extended option=value -x -? -X optionfile