Digital Input

Example 2:

Digital Input

The HP E1459A is capable of simple digital inputs on any of the individual four ports or combined Ports 0 and 1 or Ports 2 and 3. The MEASure command subsystem (see Chapter 3 for details) provides two commands for reading the current value of the input ports:

MEASure:DIGital:DATAn:type:VALue? — reads the current port value

MEASure:DIGital:DATAn:type:BITm? — reads an individual bit value

This program reads Port 0 as an individual 16-bit port and then it reads the combined Ports 2 and 3 as a 32-bit port. The values returned are a signed 16-bit integer for Port 0 and a signed 32-bit integer for combined Ports 2 and

3.Although this program does not decode the returned value to determine individual bit/channel values, a "0" in any bit position indicates the input to the corresponding channel is low; a "1" in any bit position indicates the input to the corresponding channel is high.

/* Digital Input Example

This program reads the current value of Port 0 (16-bit word) and combined value of Ports 2 and 3 (32-bit word)

Created in Microsoft Visual C++ */

#include <visa.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

#define INSTR_ADDR "GPIB0::9::3::INSTR" /* HP E1459A logical address */

int main()




ViStatus errStatus;

/* status from VISA call */

ViSession viRM;

/* Resource Mgr. session */

ViSession E1459;

/* session for HP E1459A */

int val;

/* value of Port 0 */

long val1;

/*Value of Ports 2 & 3 */

/* Open a default Resource Manager */ errStatus = viOpenDefaultRM (&viRM);

if (VI_SUCCESS > errStatus){

printf("ERROR: viOpen() returned 0x%x\n",errStatus); return errStatus;}

/* Open the Instrument Session */

errStatus = viOpen (viRM, INSTR_ADDR,VI_NULL,VI_NULL, &E1459); if (VI_SUCCESS > errStatus){

printf("ERROR: viOpen() returned 0x%x\n",errStatus); return errStatus;}

/* Query Port 0 as a 16-bit word */

errStatus = viQueryf(E1459, "MEAS:DIG:DATA0:WORD:VAL?\n","%t", val); if (VI_SUCCESS > errStatus){

printf("ERROR: viQueryf() returned 0x%x\n",errStatus); return errStatus;}

printf("Value returned %i\n",val);

32 Using the HP E1459A Module