Diagnostic Tests
Testing the Switch’s Ports and the Links
To test the switch’s ports and the attached network links, follow these procedures:
1.Check for link beat detection on the port. When the switch first detects the link beat signal (also called “link test pulse signal”) coming from an active device, the port LED comes ON for approximately 3 seconds. This happens whenever the switch is powered on and an active device that is sending link beat is connected to the port, or the connected device is powered on, or the switch is powered on and an active network cable is plugged in to the port.
In its default configuration, the switch indicates the link status for 3 seconds on its 10 Mbit/s port LEDs and then converts them to displaying network activity on the port. (The 100 Mbit/s port always operate this way.) You can configure the 10 Mbit/s port LEDs to continuously indicate the link status and not convert to activity indicators. This configuration option is on the System configuration screen under the Configuration menu on the switch console interface. See “System Configuration” in chapter 4, “Configuring the Switch From the Console”.
2.Run network communication tests. Use these tests if you have link beat detected for a port. Choose one of the following ways to run a test of the network communication between the switch and an addressable device connected at the remote end of each of the cables you wish to test:
•Select Link Test from HP AdvanceStack Assistant’s Network Test function or the switch console’s Advanced Commands option. This causes the switch to send IEEE 802.2 Test command packets to a specified network device.
The device must be able to send an IEEE 802.2 Test response packet upon receipt of a Test command packet. Usually this would be another network device such as a hub, switch, or router. You specify the remote device by its
•Select Ping Test. This is a network layer test that you can run on TCP/ IP networks. The switch sends ICMP Echo Request packets to a specified network device. This works with devices that have an IP address and are able to respond to an ICMP Echo Request packet. Most end nodes using IP will respond to this packet. You specify the remote device by its IP address.