. (period), ! (exclamation point), , (comma), ' (apostrophe), () (parentheses), & (ampersand), # (number sign), @ (at sign), - (dash), * (asterisk), / (slash), = (equals sign), _ (underscore),
-(dash), to enter a
adding an image to a PC fax restrictions,
using the Place Image window,
adding text to a PC fax preparing the document,
using the Edit toolbar ,
contrast for paper faxes,
adjusting resolution for PC faxes,
alphabet, how to enter,
ampersand (&) with Symbols button,
apostrophe (') with Symbols button,
Append Pages (Special option in Eclipse FAX SE),
asterisk (*), with Symbols button,
at sign (@) with Symbols button,
Automatic Redial setting,
Automatic Reduction setting,
Scan with OCR button,
using it to make copies,
Backspace button,
Backup Reception setting,
bang. See exclamation point (!)
beeps, for error notification,
brackets. See parentheses ()
broadcasting, by dialing multiple fax numbers,
busy signal while sending a fax,
buttons arrows,
cable for printing, how to order,
capital letters, how to enter,
Centronics cable, how to order,
changing, the loaded paper size setting,
characters of the alphabet, how to enter,
Clean Pen button,
print cartridge,
the exterior of the HP OfficeJet ,
Clear button (Send Fax dialog box),
clipping problems,
Collect dialog box (Eclipse FAX SE),
collecting two or more documents to send as a PC fax,