Sending a fax
from a Windows application
To fax a document from a Windows application, other than Eclipse FAX SE, follow these steps.
1.In your Windows application (Word for Windows, Lotus
The application's Print Setup (or equivalent) dialog box appears, with the name of the selected printer. The sample dialog box below is from Word for Windows 6.0.
3.Choose File/Print (depending on the application, this step may not be necessary if you used step 2). The application's Print dialog box appears.
4.Select the range of pages you want to fax.
Note:`To send the fax to more than one recipient, leave the setting for number of copies to 1 and see "Sending a Fax to More Than One Recipient."
5.Click the OK button. After a message is displayed informing you the printing has started, the Send Fax dialog box appears.