Setting up Speed Dialing (for Paper Faxes Only)
The speed dialing feature allows you to store frequently used fax numbers (either to individuals or groups) by assigning code numbers to them and thus quickens the dialing process. You can only use speed dial codes when sending a paper fax, using the front panel of the fax machine to dial the code. To create entries for PC faxing using Eclipse FAX SE, refer to chapter 3, "Using Phonebooks."
After storing a name, you can send your paper fax by pressing the Speed Dial button located on the left side of the front panel of the HP OfficeJet, and entering the code number which corresponds to the name.
The first 10 speed dial codes are automatically assigned to the 10
The group speed dial feature allows you to store selected speed dial entries in groups. For example, you may want to create a group of client or vendor speed dial numbers. You can have as many as five groups of related fax numbers. After storing a number, you can send a fax to that number by simply pressing the Speed Dial button located on the front panel of the HP OfficeJet and entering the group code (any number between 61 through 65). Your fax will be sent to every person in that group.
When you've finished assigning names and fax numbers to the speed dial codes, click the OK button to save your settings and close the dialog box. You may also click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without saving your settings, or the Help button to get help for this topic.