Enter this page to select the destination storage device, maximum data rates, etc.
Storage: Choose the USB storage device in the dropdown menu. This is the destination of where you want to save the downloaded file.
Rate: Select the maximum data rates for downloading and uploading. The maximum data rate for downloading is 70 KB/s and 30 KB/s for uploading.
Seed Setting: Select whether or not you want to delete or keep the torrent file after the download has completed.
Simultaneous setting: Choose the maximum number of BitTorrent downloads that can run simultaneously. The maximum number is 3.
Buttons in this page:
Apply Settings: Click this button to save the changes you have made to this page.
Return: Click this button to return the BitTorrent status page.
Default Settings: Click this button to reset all of the BitTorrent settings to their default
Add new torrent
From your PC’s web browser, download the torrent tracker corresponding to the file that you wish to download. Save this torrent tracker file somewhere on your PC (on your desktop, etc).