BitTorrent (BT) download
The mp200 media player supports BitTorrent downloading. Before you are able to use the BitTorrent download feature, you must first setup the networking functionality of the mp200, and also make sure that your Internet connection is active.
In order to use the BitTorrent download feature, you must write down the IP Address assigned to the mp200. The IP Address can be found by selecting the “Setup” icon on the main menu, and then using the ◄ ► buttons to select the “Network” category. The current IP address will be displayed in the right panel.
From a PC, open a web browser and enter the IP Address of the mp200 media player in the form “http://<IP Address>, where the <IP Address> is replaced by the value that you wrote down earlier.
Click the button titled “Settings” to setup the USB storage device that you want to use for saving the downloaded files and then click “Add new torrent” button to add the torrent file and begin the download.
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