Subtitle display
External subtitle files: The mp200 supports various subtitle file formats such as: srt, sub, smi, idx+sub, ssa and ass. Please ensure that the subtitle filename is the same as the video filename and put them in the same folder. This mp200 will detect and apply the subtitle file automatically. If you have multiple formats of subtitle files, with the same filename, in the same folder, you can choose the one you want via the subtitle
Adjust subtitle during playback: when playing a video with an external subtitle file, press the ◄ ► buttons to increase or decrease the font size of the subtitle text. The range of the font size is from
Subtitle number: if there are multiple subtitle files, choose one to display. The external and internal subtitles, like the MKV + SRT files can be chosen in the menu.
Text Encoding: choose the encoding type for the external subtitle files.
Delay: If you find that the video playback and the display of external subtitles are not synchronized, you can increase or decrease the delay for the subtitle text. Use the ◄ ► buttons on the remote control to choose a time from
Color: choose the color for the external subtitles.
Size: adjust the size of the external subtitles. The range is from
Offset: Increase the height of the external subtitles. The default is 0 which shows the subtitle in the lowest position of the screen and where a bigger value means a higher screen position. The range is from 0 to 650.
*If the options including Text Encoding, Delay, Color, Size and Offset are grayed out and can’t be selected, the video type may not support external subtitle files. For example, video files such as M2TS, ISO, VOB files, do not support external subtitle files.
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