PS Protocol


EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) Mode

Printer-host communication is done via asynchronous bidirectional eight-bit transfer. A return to compatibility mode is not required.

Nibble Mode

Printer-host communication is done in nibbles (four bits; one-half byte) with the low order nibble sent first. A transfer of two nibbles is required for each byte of information.

PS Protocol Option

Your QMS 1660 Print System supports PS Protocol, a new protocol for communication between the printer and a host computer over the serial, parallel, and optional interfaces. This binary communications protocol (BCP) allows any 8-bit binary value (0-255) to be treated as data, while allowing a few of the values to function as special control characters. When communicating 8-bit binary data in binary or binary fixed mode, the printer uses the quoting mechanism of the binary communications protocol to distinguish between the special control characters and print job binary data.


QMS 1660 Print System Reference