About This Manual

6Printer Options

Describes how to install and use additional paper cassettes, a paper feeder, and a paper cassette supporter; font, emulation, and security cards; memory upgrades (SIMMs); an Intellifont font SIMM; 1200x1200 dpi resolution daughterboard; LocalTalk and network interfaces; an IDE-SCSI hard disk drive board, an internal IDE hard disk, an internal Kanji font IDE hard disk, and external SCSI hard disks.

QMS CustomerASupport

Provides world-wide product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bulletin Board, CompuServe, the Internet and Q-FAX.


Provides technical specifications for

the printer and lists available supplies

B Specifications

and replacement parts.



Document Option

Lists printer-supported Document

Option Commands (DOCs), provides

C Commands

updated HP PCL 5 terminology, and


discusses updated DOCs.



D Notices

Lists manual and legal notices.

EConfiguration Menu Displays the printer configuration menu in tree form.


Defines commonly used terms.




