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DEC systems, Digital UNIX 4.x
This topic is available in English only.
| contents of this section |
| related topics |
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| configuring for Digital UNIX 4.x |
| verifying installation |
| glossary |
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configuring for Digital UNIX 4.x
1Add the following entry to your /etc/ddr.dbase file:
SCSIDEVICE Type = tape
Name = "BNCHMARK" "DLT1"
2Set the following parameters in the file:
PARAMETERS: MaxTransferSize = 0xffffff ReadyTimeSeconds = 0x2d InquiryLength = 0x20
DENSITY: DensityNumber = 0 OneFileMarkOnClose = yes DensityCode = 0x00 Blocking = 0 CompressionCode = 0x0 Buffered = 0x1
DENSITY: DensityNumber = 1 OneFileMarkOnClose = yes DensityCode = 0x00 Blocking = 0 CompressionCode = 0x1 Buffered = 0x1
3Rebuild the kernel by running /sbin/ddr_config_c, then reboot the system with the tape drive attached. The device files for the DLT1 drive will be generated in /dev/rmt when you reboot.
4The names of the device files can be interpreted as follows:
[n]rmtX D
Code Meaning
n No rewind
XInstance number assigned to the drive by the operating system (0 is the first, 1 is the second, and so on)
hCompression on (high density) l Compression off (low density)
For example, /dev/rmt/nrmt0h is a device file for the first device, which is a
Once the device files have been created, you should confirm that your new tape drive is working properly. See Verifying Installation.