NOTE: Set the LACP_AUTO key in the previous examples to be the same as that of the link aggregate to which it belongs. Ports going to different link aggregates should have different keys.
3.Activate the new configuration by entering:
#/sbin/init.d/hplm stop 1
#/sbin/init.d/hpapa stop 2
#/sbin/init.d/hpapa start
#/sbin/init.d/hplm start 3
1If failover groups are also configured.
2This can interrupt traffic on existing link aggregates.
3 For configuring failover groups.
Editing Configuration Files for Failover Groups
If you are configuring a failover group for the first time, or if you have changed the failover group configuration, do the following:
1.Connect the physical devices that are to be in the failover group to the same switch, or to different switches or hubs on the same subnet to achieve switch/hub redundancy.
NOTE: Be sure that trunking is not enabled on the switch ports.
2.Check that there is link connectivity between the devices (linkloop). If it fails, resolve the physical connection between the devices.
3.Edit the /etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaportconf file and assign the and standby physical ports to LAN_MONITOR mode. For example, the following entries put lan1 and lan2 into a failover group:
4.Activate the configuration by entering:
#/sbin/init.d/hplm stop
#/sbin/init.d/hpapa stop
#/sbin/init.d/hpapa start
#/sbin/init.d/hplm start
5.If the device to be the link does not have the desired IP address, add the IP address for the port or link aggregation to /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. Editing that file or using SAM will preserve the IP address permanently (across reboots).
Alternatively, you can also temporarily assign an IP address to the link and change the mode of the link and all standby links to LAN_MONITOR. For example, ifconfig lan1
6.Query the system for possible link failover groups by entering the lanqueryconf
CAUTION: Running lanqueryconf
This command queries the system and network for all possible failover groups. The results of the query are placed in the /tmp/filename configuration file. This file contains data similar to the following:
Editing Configuration Files for Link Aggregates 107