4.The following prompt displays:
TIP: Enter [command name] ? to display the syntax for a command.
Configuring HP APA
To configure HP APA to use the Procurve 9304/8 switch, do the following:
1.Verify port connections before configuring APA. Do the following:
a.Log in to the switch using the previous steps.
b.Enter the interface e [slot]/[port] command. For example:
HP9304(config)#interface e 2/1
c.Enter the following:
d.On the server system, verify the LAN is down with the following command: llp lanx
The command displays output similar to the following:
CMD: linkloop
error: expected primitive 0x30, got DL_ERROR_ACK dl_error_primitive = 0x2d
dl_errno = 0x04 dl_unix_errno = 57
error - did not receive data part of message Link connectivity to LAN station: 0x00306E04945F
e.On the switch, enter enable.
f.Wait briefly, then on the server system, confirm the LAN has connectivity with the following command:
llp lanx
The command displays output similar to the following:
CMD: linkloop
Link connectivity to LAN station: 0x00306E04945F
Procurve Switches 125