4.1.8 R3F (Interrupt Status Register)
Bit 7 |
| Bit 6 |
| Bit 5 |
| Bit 4 |
| Bit 3 |
| Bit 2 |
| Bit 1 |
- |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| EXIF |
| - |
| - |
Bit 0
Bit 3 (EXIF) External interrupt flag. Set by falling edge on /INT pin, flag cleared by software
Bit 0 (TCIF) the TCC overflow interrupt flag. Set as TCC overflows; flag cleared by software.
Bits 1, 2, 4~7 are not used and read are as “0”.
"1" means interrupt request, "0" means
R3F can be cleared by instruction, but cannot be set by instruction.
IOCF is the interrupt mask register.
Note that reading R3F will obtain the result of the R3F "logic AND" and IOCF.
4.2 Special Purpose Registers
4.2.1 A (Accumulator)
Internal data transfer, or instruction operand holding.
It cannot be addressed.
4.2.2 CONT (Control Register)
7 |
| 6 |
| 5 |
| 4 |
| /INT |
| TS |
| TE |
Bit 7 (/PHEN) Control bit used to enable the
0:Enable internal
1:Disable internal
CONT register is both readable and writable.
Bit 6 (/INT) Interrupt enable flag
0: masked by DISI or hardware interrupt
1: enabled by ENI/RETI instructions Bit 5 (TS) TCC signal source
0:internal instruction cycle clock
1:transition on TCC pin
Product Specification (V1.1) 03.30.2005 | • 11 |
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)