+ifxdeploy.conf File Template


The following shows the contents of the ifxdeploy.conf file.



Licensed Material - Property Of IBM







"Restricted Materials of IBM"







IBM Informix Dynamic Server



Copyright IBM Corporation 2009 All rights reserved.











Description: Configuration file for the IDS Deployment Utility







Uncomment any values that you want to change from the default values.







Note that any parameters set on the command line will override these values.






# Primary server values



- These values define the primary server name, protocol, and port.



- Use the BEGIN ALIAS section to define additional sever names and



protocols (such as DRDA).






# INFORMIXSERVER - Set the primary server name, or set it as an environment




variable or command line parameter.








# PROTOCOL1 - Set the primary protocol (the sqlhosts NETTYPE field) for the




primary server.




- Values: onsoctcp, onipcnmp


#PROTOCOL1 onsoctcp






# PORT1 - Set the primary listening port for the primary server (not needed for







- Range: 1-32767


#PORT1 9088







# SERVERNUM - Set the primary server number (the value for the SERVERNUM




configuration parameter).




- Range: 0-255









# INFORMIXSQLHOSTS - Set a value for the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment




variable. On UNIX this value specifies the sqlhosts file




(default is $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts). On Windows, this




value is generally not used but can be used to point to a




remote machine (for example, \\machinename) whose registry




contains SQLHOSTS information.








# Define additional server names and listeners with the BEGIN/END ALIAS


# statements.


# Each ALIAS results in a new SQLHOSTS entry and a new value for the


# DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter in the onconfig file.


# For example:







#PROTOCOL drsoctcp


#PORT 9091



#OPTIONS # optional SQLHOSTS parameters (for example, b=32767 to set buffers)









# INFORMIXDIR - Set the location of the installation directory.




- Alternatively, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable.









# ONCONFIG - Set the onconfig file.



- If not specified and the ONCONFIG environment variable is not set,

Chapter 5. Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility 5-13

Page 67
Image 67
IBM GC23-7753-05 manual + ifxdeploy.conf File Template, Following shows the contents of the ifxdeploy.conf file