IBM GC23-7753-05 manual Examples of Deployment Utility Usage on Windows, Extraction Method

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Examples of Deployment Utility Usage on Windows

Deploying a IDS Instance in Silent Mode

In this example, the user informix is created on the target server and has the

password mypassw0rd. The command will run in silent mode, without prompting

for confirmation. The snapshot is decompressed from the file by

7-zip software if it is installed on the operating system.

ifxdeploy.exe -p mypassw0rd -y -silent -file

Deploying a IDS Instance as Local System User Where You Specify an

Extraction Method

In this example, the snapshot is extracted from the C:\my_archive.tar file on the

target computer:

ifxdeploy.exe -system -extractcmd "tar -xf C:\my_archive.tar c:\informix"

The extract command is enclosed in double quotation marks because it contains


Creating a New Server Instance

In this example, the SQLHOSTS port number is 9090, the server number for the

instance is 2, and a full path is specified for the log file.

ifxdeploy.exe -silent -y -sqliport 9090 -servernum 2 -l C:\my_log.txt

Creating an Instance as Local System User with DRDA Enabled

In this example, the SQLHOSTS port is 9090, the DRDA port is 9096, and the

command will run in verbose mode. The snapshot used here is not in a

compressed file format, so neither the -fileoption nor the -extractcmdoption is


ifxdeploy.exe -system -y -sqliport 9090 -drdaport 9096 -verbose

Dynamic Relocation of Chunks to Single Parent Directory

In this example, the chunks are relocated to a single parent directory and indicate

location of the root dbspace:

ifxdeploy -rootpath D:\IFMX\ex1\rootdbs.001 -relocate D:\IFMX\ex2

Chunk Relocation to Multiple Paths

In this example, the location of the root dbspace has been specified with the

ROOTPATH configuration parameter, so the command does not need to be run

with the -rootpathoption. Each mapping between the old path and the new path

is separated by a semicolon.


Chunk Relocation to Multiple Paths with New Offsets

In this example, the location of the root dbspace has been specified with the

ROOTPATH configuration parameter, so the command does not need to be run

with the -rootpathoption. The mapping of the old paths and the new paths

includes offset values (in kilobytes), which are indicated after the commas.

ifxdeploy -relocate C:\IFMXDATA,0=D:\IFMXDATA,4;C:\IFMXDATAB,3=D:\IFMXDATAB,5

Chapter 5. Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility 5-9

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IBM GC23-7753-05 manual Examples of Deployment Utility Usage on Windows, Deploying a IDS Instance in Silent Mode