Appendix A. Replacing hardware parts

You can order IBM replacement parts for the thin client. Contact IBM or your reseller to order warranty parts and non-warranty parts. IBM provides warranty service without charge for parts during the warranty period on an exchange basis only.

To replace a logic unit, the customer must transfer features, such as memory DIMMs, CompactFlash cards, and any optional PCI adapter cards to the replacement assembly. If customers do not transfer their features, the replacement units cannot operate properly. See “Safety notices” on page v for information about handling Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) parts.

IBM delivers CRUs to the customers for exchange, and customers return defective parts to IBM under the basic service offering. Customers should return all defective logic units without the cover set, CompactFlash card, support base or memory DIMMs (see “Returning hardware parts” on page 44 for more information). For upgraded service offerings, a service representative delivers replacement parts, transfers features, and returns defective parts to IBM.

See “Resolving hardware problems” on page 31 to determine whether or not it is necessary to replace the thin client logic unit or any other parts.

Replacing the N2800e Thin Client Express CompactFlash card

IBM replaces a defective logic unit drawer as a complete assembly. This assembly does not include the N2800e Thin Client Express CompactFlash card. Refer to Table 9 to determine the correct CompactFlash card to order for your language preference. Warranty service terms and conditions by country apply.

Table 9. Thin Client Express logic units



Part number




CompactFlash cards for N2800e (Model Cxx)





CompactFlash Card for Model Cxx

CUS (US English), CAP (Asia



Pacific), CLS (LA Spanish), CCF



(Canadian French), CBP (Brazilian








CompactFlash Card for Model Cxx

CUI (US English ISO 9995), CUK



(UK English), CEU (European),



CGE (German), CFR (French), CSW



(Swedish/Finnish), CDK (Danish),



CNO (Norwegian), CND (Dutch)





CompactFlash Card for Model Cxx

CIL (Icelandic), CSG (Swiss



German/French/Italian), CIT



(Italian), CLE (Luxembourg), CSP



(Spanish), CBE (Belgian



Dutch/English), CPO (Portuguese)





© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000


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Image 51
IBM manual Appendix A. Replacing hardware parts, Replacing the N2800e Thin Client Express CompactFlash card