4372ch06.fm | Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm |
Manual, using the console
Each method is described in the next sections.
6.2.1 Built-in file replication service
In a multi-tiered implementation, one server is designated as the master server. This is usually the server at the master site, but must be the server where profiles are inserted into the system. The other servers in the environment are designated as slave servers.
When replication starts, the new table of contents files are all sent to the receiving server or servers. Each receiving server then compares those table of contents files with the table of contents files it has and builds a list of all the files it requires to be up-to-date. It then sends that requirements list file back to the master server. The master server then builds an RAD file of all these required files and commences replicating it to the receiving server using no more than the bandwidth specified in the replication setup panel. As the file repository only ever stores one copy of any specific file, subsequent to the initial replication of a particular OS, all that should ever traverse the network is the delta between the existing profiles and the new profiles. This feature saves a large amount of network bandwidth. The data flow is shown in Figure 6-1 on page 128.
Figure 6-1 Using the built-in file replication between several servers
128Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment