SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
© Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Commands Description
PRTSQLUSG Reports SQL statement usage and auto-enrollment
PRTSRVUSG Reports server usage and auto-enrollment
RMVSNUSR Removes a user from all SafeNet/400 enrollments
RMVSNUSR1 Removes all profiles not defined to OS400. Excludes profiles
Beginning with ‘*’ (*Public)
RMVUSRCMD Removes user’s authorities to CL commands
RMVUSRFTP Removes user’s authorities to FTP
RMVUSROBJ Removes user’s authorities to objects
RMVUSRSQL Removes user’s authorities to SQL
RMVUSRSRV Removes user’s authorities to server functions
SETSAFENET OPTION(A) Activates SafeNet/400
SETSAFENET OPTION(B) – Deactivates SafeNet/400
SETVER Used to change the license code level of SafeNet/400
STRALRT Starts Alert Notification monitoring
STRPRG Starts purge of log file
STRPRGARC Starts archive purge/security report of log file
STRTRP Starts the transaction logging program and SBS
WRKSIGNON Work with TELNET signon parameters
WRKSNADM Maintain SafeNet/400 Administrators
WRKSNSUSR Work with SafeNet/400 Super Users
WRKSNDHCP Work with current DHCP activity
WRKSRV Work with server security settings