Purpose of this Document
The intent of this document is to help provide guidance in terms of IBM i operating system
performance, capacity planning information, and tips to obtain optimal performance on IBM i
operating system. This document is typically updated with each new release or more often if needed.
This October 2008 edition of the IBM i V6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference Guide is an update to
the April 2008 edition to reflect new product functions announced on October 7, 2008.
This edition includes performance information on newly announced IBM Power Systems including
Power 520 and Power 550, utilizing POWER6 processor technology. This document further includes
information on IBM System i 570 using POWER6 processor technology, IBM i5/OS running on IBM
BladeCenter JS22 using POWER6 processor technology, recent System i5 servers (model 515, 525, and
595) featuring new user-based licensing for the 515 and 525 models and a new 2.3GHz model 595, DB2
UDB for iSeries SQL Query Engine Support, Websphere Application Server including WAS V6.1 both
with the Classic VM and the IBM Technology for Java (32-bit) VM, WebSphere Host Access
Transformation Services (HATS) including the IBM WebFacing Deployment Tool with HATS
Technology (WDHT), PHP - Zend Core for i, Java including Classic JVM (64-bit), IBM Technology for
Java (32-bit), IBM Technology for Java (64-bit) and bytecode verification, Cryptography, Domino 7,
Workplace Collaboration Services (WCS), RAID6 versus RAID5 disk comparisons, new internal storage
adapters, Virtual Tape, and IPL Performance.
The wide variety of applications available makes it extremely difficult to describe a "typical" workload.
The data in this document is the result of measuring or modeling certain application programs in very
specific and unique configurations, and should not be used to predict specific performance for other
applications. The performance of other applications can be predicted using a system sizing tool such as
IBM Systems Workload Estimator (refer to Chapter 22 for more details on Workload Estimator).
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 IBM i Performance Capabilities 12