Intel AS/400 RISC Server manual General Performance Tips and Techniques, History, Coming Change

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Chapter 20. General Performance Tips and Techniques

This section's intent is to cover a variety of useful topics that "don't fit" in the document as a whole, but provide useful things that customers might do or deal with special problems customers might run into on iSeries. It may also contain some general guidelines.

20.1 Adjusting Your Performance Tuning for Threads


Historically, the iSeries and AS/400 programmers have not had to worry very much about threads. True, they were introduced into the machine some time ago, but the average RPG application does not use them and perhaps never will, even if it is now allowed. Multiple-thread jobs have been fairly rare. That means that those who set up and organize AS/400 subsystems (e.g. QBATCH, QINTER, MYOWNSUBSYSTEM, etc.) have not had to think much about the distinction between a "job" and a "thread."

The Coming Change

But, threads are a good thing and so applications are increasingly using them. Especially for customers deploying (say) a significant new Java application, or Domino, a machine with the typical one-thread-per-job model may suddenly have dozens or even hundreds of threads in a particular job. Unfortunately, they are distinct ideas and certain AS/400 commands carefully distinguish them. If iSeries System Administrators are careless about these distinctions, as it is so easy to do today, poor performance can result as the system moves on to new applications such as Lotus Domino or especially Java.

With Java generally, and with certain applications, it will be commonplace to have multiple threads in a job. That means taking a closer look at some old friends: MAXACT and MAXJOB.

Recall that every subsystem has at least one pool entry. Recall further that, in the subsystem description itself, the pool number is an arbitrary number. What is more important is that the arbitrary number maps to a particular, real storage pool (*BASE, *SHRPOOL1, etc.). When a subsystem is actually started, the actual storage pool (*SHRPOOL1), if someone else isn't already using it, comes to life and obtains its storage.

However, storage pools are about more than storage. They are also about job and thread control. Each pool has an associated value called MAXACT that also comes into play. No matter how many subsystems share the pool, MAXACT limits the total number of threads able to reside and execute in the pool. Note that this is threads and not jobs.

Each subsystem, also, has a MAXJOBS value associated with it. If you reach that value, you are not supposed to be able to start any more jobs in the subsystem. Note that this is a jobs value and not a threads value. Further, within the subsystem, there are usually one or more JOBQs in the subsystem. Within each entry you can also control the number of jobs using a parameter. Due to an unfortunate turn in history, this parameter, which might more logically be called MAXJOBS today is called MAXACT. However, it controls jobs, not threads.

IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008

Chapter 20 - General Tips and Techniques


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Intel AS/400 RISC Server General Performance Tips and Techniques, Adjusting Your Performance Tuning for Threads, History