Intel AS/400 RISC Server, 170 Servers, 7xx Servers manual WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Commerce

Models: 7xx Servers 170 Servers AS/400 RISC Server

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6.7 WebSphere Portal

The IBM WebSphere Portal suite of products enables companies to build a portal website serving the individual needs of their employees, business partners and customers. Users can sign on to the portal and view personalized web pages that provide access to the information, people and applications they need. This personalized, single point of access to resources reduces information overload, accelerates productivity and increases website usage. As WebSphere Portal supports access through mobile devices, as well as the desktop browser, critical information is always available. Visit the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for more information:

Use the IBM Systems Workload Estimator (Estimator) to predict the capacity characteristics for WebSphere Portal (using the WebSphere Portal workload category). For custom applications, the Workload Estimator will ask you questions about your portal pages served, such as the number of portlets per page and the complexity of each portlet. It will also ask you to specify a transaction rate (visits per hour) for a peak time of day. In addition to custom applications, the Estimator supports Portal Document Manager (PDM) and Web Content Management (WCM) for some releases of WebSphere Portal. Because of potential performance differences between WebSphere Portal releases, the projections for one release cannot be applied to other releases.

yWebSphere Portal Enable 5.1 - Custom applications only.

yWebSphere Portal 6.0 - Custom applications and PDM.

yWebSphere Portal Express 6.0 - Custom applications, PDM, and WCM.

The Estimator is available at: Extensive descriptions and help text for the Portal workloads are available in the Estimator. Please work with your marketing representative when using the Estimator to size Portal workloads (see also chapter 22).

6.8 WebSphere Commerce

Use the IBM Systems Workload Estimator to predict the capacity characteristics for WebSphere Commerce performance (using the Web Commerce workload category). The Workload Estimator will ask you to specify a transaction rate (visits per hour) for a peak time of day. It will further attempt to characterize your workload by considering the complexity of shopping visits (browse/order ratio, number of transactions per user visit, database size, etc.). Recently, the Estimator has also been enhanced to include WebSphere Commerce Pro Entry Edition. The Web Commerce workload also incorporates WebSphere Commerce Payments to process payment transactions. You’ll find the tool at: A workload description along with good help text is available on this site. Work with your marketing representative to utilize this tool (see also chapter 23).

To help you tune your WebSphere Commerce website for better performance on the System i platform, there is a performance tuning guide available at: This guide provides tips and techniques, as well as recommended settings or adjustments, for several key areas of WebSphere and DB2 that are important to ensuring that your website performs at a satisfactory level.

IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008

Chapter 6 - Web Server and WebSphere


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Intel AS/400 RISC Server, 170 Servers, 7xx Servers manual WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Commerce