Ethernet Description and Configuration

This chapter tells you how to display and set characteristics of the Ethernet port and how to install Windows NT on the Ethernet option.

7.1KZPCM Host Adapter Ethernet Option Features

The KZPCM Host Adapter Ethernet option features:

One RJ-45 connector with automatic selection of 10/100 Base-T Ethernet.

Support of 32-bit PCI Local Bus Master for high throughput and low CPU utilization.

Plug-and-Play on Intel Windows NT.

Complete drivers and support for DIGITAL UNIX, DIGITAL OpenVMS, and Windows NT on Alpha.

Support of half- or full-duplex operation.

Support of full-duplex operation on both 10 Mb/sec and 10/100 Mb Ethernet ports.

7.2Displaying and Setting Ethernet Port Characteristics

The Alpha SRMconsole recognizes the Ethernet device as an EW port. The console appears with a triple angle bracket prompt, at which you can type in your commands. There are two commands that are necessary for setting and showing the Ethernet port: SET and SHOW.

Use SET to set characteristics of the Ethernet port:

P0 >>>Set Ewn0_mode

where n is controller number and mode setting choices:




AUTO-SENSE (Not recommended)



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Image 63
Intel EK-KZPCM-UG Ethernet Description and Configuration, Kzpcm Host Adapter Ethernet Option Features, P0 Set Ewn0mode