Song operating mode
Page 25 - Event Filter
And here are the events contained in the Master track.
To change the event type, use the C VOLUME/VALUE but-
tons to select the Event line, then use the same buttons or the
TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a different event type.
To select and edit the event’s value, use the F3 and F4 func-
tion keys, and use the G/VOLUME/VALUE buttons or the
TEMPO/VALUE controls.
Length of the selected Note event. The value format is the
same as the Position value.
Note: If you change a length of “000.00.000” to a different
value, you can’t go back to the original value. This rather
uncommon zero-length value may be found in the drum and
percussion tracks of Songs made in Backing Sequence mode.

Transport, navigation and editing controls

E/F and H VOLUME/VALUE buttons
These buttons are the “Scroll to previous event” and “Scroll to
next event” controls. They corresponds to the scroll arrows
shown on the screen.
Use these buttons to select the corresponding parameter
value area.
F3 and F4 buttons
After selecting the parameter value area with the G VOL-
UME/VALUE buttons, use these buttons to select, respec-
tively, the first and second value of the event in edit.
Press PLAY/STOP to listen to the Song in edit. Press PLAY/
STOP again to stop it.
SHIFT + << or >>
Keep the SHIFT button pressed and press the << or >> but-
ton to open the Go to Measure window.
Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a measure, and
press ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort.
While the sequencer is running, keep the SHIFT button
pressed, and press the PAUSE button to display the event that
is currently playing. This is called the Catch Locator function.
Press the INSERT button to insert a new event at the current
shown Position. The default values are Type = Note, Pitch =
C4, Velocity = 100, Length = 192.
Note: You can’t insert new events in an empty, non-recorded
Song. To insert an event, you must first insert some empty mea-
sures. To use the Insert function, press MENU and one of the F
VOLUME/VALUE buttons, then press the PAGE+ button twice.
Press the DELETE button to delete the event shown in the
This page is where you can select the event types to be shown
in the Event Edit page. You can access this page by pressing
the PAGE+ button while in the Event Edit page.
Turn On the filter for all event types you do not wish to see in
the Event Edit page.
Note Notes.
Prog Program Change values.
Ctrl Control Change events.
T/Meter Tempo and Meter changes (Master Track
Aftt Mono (Channel) Aftertouch events.
PAft Poly Aftertouch events.
Bend Pitch Bend events.
PaCtl Controls exclusive of the Pa50SD, like the FX
and Scale settings. These controls are recorded
to the Master Track, and saved as System
Exclusive data.
Event First value Second value
Tempo Tempo change
Volume Master Volume value
Meter Meter change(a)
(a) Meter changes can’t be edited or inserted. To insert a Meter
change, use the Insert function in the Edit section and insert a
series of measures with the new meter. Existing data can then be
copied or entered to these measures
Scale One of the available pre-
set Scales
Root note for
the selected
UScale (User
One of the available
User Scales
Root note for
the selected
QT (Quarter
Altered note Note alter-
(b) To edit the Quarter Tone settings, select the first value, then
select the scale’s degree to edit. Edit the second value to change
the tuning of the selected note of the scale.
QT Clear (Quar-
ter Tone Clear-
Reset of all Scale
FXType One of the four avail-
able FX processors Effect number(c)
(c) When selecting a different effect number during this edit,
default settings will be assigned to this event.
FXSend Feedback Send (B>A or
Feedback send
Go to Measure: 1
Enter=Ok Exit=Cancel
Note: Off MTch: Off
Prog: Off PTch: Off
Ctrl: Off Bend: Off
T/Meter: Off PaCtl: Off
