56 Style Record mode
Style Tracks page
On1 Metronome on, with a one-bar precount
before starting recording.
On2 Metronome on, with a two-bar precount
before starting recording.
Resol (Resolution)
This parameter sets the quantization during recording.
(1/32)… (1/8)
Grid resolution, in musical values. For exam-
ple, when you select 1/16, all notes are moved
to the nearest 1/16 division. When you select 1/
8, all notes are moved to the nearest 1/8 divi-
This is the meter (time signature) of the Style. You can edit
this parameter only when the Style is empty, i.e. before you
begin recording anything.
Original Key/Chord
This is the track’s original key and chord. Use the D VOL-
UME/VALUE buttons to select the line, and the F1 and F2
buttons to switch from the key/chord name and the key/
chord type (Maj, min…).
When in Style Play mode, this chord will be played back
exactly as it was recorded, without any NTT processing (see
below). To record just one Chord Variation for a Style Ele-
ment, the suggested original key/chord is “maj7”. Be very
careful to play the 7th+ note (i.e., with a “Cmaj7th” key/
chord, the B), to avoid the lack of notes, or a bad NTT con-
version when playing different chords.
Note: To conform to Korg specifications, it is advisable to record
both the “Major” and “minor” Chord Variations for the Intro 1
and Ending 1 Style Elements.
When you select a track, the original key/chord assigned to
the selected track will be activated. All recorded tracks will
play back on that key/chord. For example, if the original key/
chord for the Acc1 track is A7th, when selecting the Acc1
tracks all the remaining tracks will play according to the A7th
In the above example, you will record the Acc1 track in the
AMajor key, with notes that will comply with the A7th chord.
This is the pattern that will be recalled exactly as it was
recorded, when playing an A7th chord.
Copying the Key/Chord value to all other tracks of the same
Chord Variation. While in this page, you can keep the SHIFT
button pressed, while pressing one of the [D] VOLUME/
VALUE buttons, to copy the Key of the currently selected
track to all other tracks of the same Chord Variation. This
function is useful to speed-up pattern programming, and to
avoid having different tracks in different keys within the same
Chord Variation.
The Note Transposition Table (NTT) determines how the
arranger will transpose pattern notes, when playing a chord
that does not exactly match to the original chord of a Chord
Variation. For example, if you only recorded a Chord Varia-
tion for the CMaj chord, when a CMaj7 is recognized on the
keyboard the arranger must transpose some notes to create
the missing 7th.
Note: To conform to Korg specifications, it is advisable to set the
NTT to “No Transpose” on the Intro 1 and Ending 1.
Root The root note (in CMaj = C) is transposed to
the missing notes.
5th The 5th note (in CMaj = G) is transposed to
the missing notes.
i-Series All original patterns must be programmed on
the “Maj7” or “min7” chords. When loading
old Korg i-Series instruments, this option is
automatically selected.
No Transp No transposition applied. The pattern will
always play as recorded. This is the standard
setting of Intro 1 and Ending 1 in Korg’s origi-
nal Styles.
While in the main Style Record page, press TRACK SELECT
to jump to this page. Here you can see and select any Style
Program name
Select a track using the VOLUME/VALUE buttons. Select a
Program using the PROGRAM/PERFORMANCE section.
While in this page, you can set the track’s volume using the
VOLUME/VALUE buttons. Since the track’s volume is mem-
orized in the Style Performance and not in the pattern, this
setting will not be recorded and saved. However, this will
No quanti-
As recorded with
NTT = Root or 5th
(Key/Chord = CMaj)
When you play a CM7
with NTT = Root
When you play a CM7
with NTT = 5th
As recorded with
NTT = i-Series
(Key/Chord = CM7)
When you play a CMaj
with NTT = i-Series
When you play a CM7
with NTT = i-Series
Brush 2 Piano01
Perc Kit Guitar01
*AcouBass StrngEns2
AcouPiano2 VoxPad1
NewBossa |V1-CV1
Style in record/edit
Style Element-Chord Variation
in record/edit
Style tracks