Style Record mode
Step Record page
allow you to play back louder any reference track, or the track
you are recording.
Track status
When in the Style Tracks page, each track can be in one of
three status.
Play (Visible status icon). This status is available
only for non-selected tracks. When in play, a
track can play back the recorded pattern.
Mute (Hidden status icon). When in this status, you
can play the track on the keyboard, but you
can’t record on it. This is useful to do some
preliminary test, before actually start record-
To set a track in mute, first select it, then press
both corresponding VOLUME/VALUE buttons
to hide the status icon. To set the track in
record again, press again the corresponding
Record (Flashing status icon). When in this status, the
track is ready to record. Just select a track to set
it in record status.
Access this page from the Main page of the Style Record
mode, by selecting the “Stp” recording mode (“R” parame-
ter), and pressing START/STOP.
(a) section
Previously inserted event. You may delete this event, and set it
in edit again, by pressing the < button.
(b) section
Event to be inserted. See the following parameters for infor-
mation on each element of this section.
M (Measure)
This is the position of the event (note, rest or chord) to be
Meter of the current measure. This parameter can’t be edited.
You can set the Meter in the Main page of the Style Record
mode, before actually starting recording (see step 6 on
page 58 for more information).
This is a prompt, asking for a note or chord to be played on
the keyboard, to enter an event on the current step.
Step value
Length of the event to be inserted. Use the NOTE VALUE
buttons, on the lower left area of the control panel, to change
this value.

Note value.

Dot (.) Augments the selected note by one half of its
Triplet (3) Makes the selected note a triplet note.
V (Velocity)
Set this parameter before entering a note or chord. This will
be the playing strength (i.e., velocity value) of the event to be
KBD Keyboard. You can select this parameter, by
turning all counter-clockwise the dial. When
this option is selected, the playing strength of
the played note is recognized and recorded.
1…127 Velocity value. The event will be inserted with
this velocity value, and the actual playing
strength of the note played on the keyboard
will be ignored.
D (Duration)
Relative duration of the inserted note. The percentage is
always referred to the step value.
50% Staccato.
85% Ordinary articulation.
100% Legato.

Buttons used in Step Record mode

TIE button
Ties the note to be inserted to the previous note.
REST button
Inserts a rest.
NOTE VALUE buttons
Select the step value.
START/ STOP button
Exits the Step Record mode.
< (Previous step)
Goes to the previous step, deleting the inserted step.
>> (Fast Forward)
Goes to the next measure, and fill the remaining space with
C4 V:64 D:85%
M001.01.192 Meter: 4/4
key? V:64 D:85%
Step V1-CV1 T:DR
Previous event Event to be inserted
Current position
Waiting for a keystroke…
Step value